
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Art of Breathing in the time of Covid-19

THE ART OF BREATHING IN THE TIME OF COVID-19     Many people struggle to breathe but most people do not breathe correctly. More than ever before the risk of airborne viruses is prevalent. Learning to breathe the right way can reduce the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus. This virus is primarily airborne and with many people breathing through their mouth the risk of infection becomes horrifyingly higher. Initially nasal breathing can be difficult but with practice and concentration it can become a lifesaving habit.     Whether you are wearing high level respirator masks or no mask many health professionals and others in the general public inadvertently begin to mouth breathe. This may have been unavoidable in the past but now it will be a dangerous life-threatening habit. Mouth breathing can also result from allergies and obstruction of the airway. Instinctively, the mouth opens because there is less resistance bringing air though the mouth than the nose but mouth breat